The Art of Graceful Living


Women of Faith

If you're feeling confused, frustrated, anxious, or overwhelmed from working to change your life, but keep getting the same results...

You're in the right place.

As a child of God, 

you have been called to produce fruit according to His great Purpose.  

The Art of Graceful Living 

is a safe space for you to  

thrive in your BIG Vision, as you grow in Christ. 

Get Involved!

The Graceful Living Society

FREE Private Community

A community of like-minded sisters doing the work to become more like Christ, while growing their relationship with God, themselves, and others.

RESTORED Group Mastermind

Ready to go all in on your BIG Purpose? RESTORED will walk you through a complete transformation from survival mode to a thriving life, filled with all the abundance of God's promises.

Each journey is designed to bring you closer to what matters most to you, as the worries of the world fade away, and are replaced with relentless FAITH that will define your Highest Version yet. 

Hi I'm Ranise Gillespie...think of me as your other sister from your Heavenly Father! 

I've taken this journey and listened as The Lord taught me HOW I was creating the  unwanted results in my life. 

Now I'm here to help you face the lies and fears planted by the enemy, so you can BOLDLY take each next step towards your BIG God-given Purpose.